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GSA FCU Operating Status

GSA FCU has received a few calls concerning the changes going on with GSA. Please be assured that the Credit Union is doing business as usual. The changes at GSA do not impact the Credit Union's operations, as the Credit Union is a separate entity. 

If the infrastructure at 1800 F St. changes, GSA FCU will shift to a temporary, completely virtual status. There will no impact on the membership for payroll, lending, savings, checking and online services. For members who have been adversely impacted by the changes, the Credit Union will work with you to help stabilize your situation.

During COVID-19, the Credit Union switched to virtual operations and it was a seamless transition for the membership.

As always, GSA FCU appreciates your loyal membership and looks forward to continuing to serve your financial needs.

International Travel Notice

Members: if you are travelling internationally and plan to use your GSA FCU debit and or credit card, please contact the credit union prior to the start of your travel, for card authorization in that country.



We do business in accordance with the Federal Fair Housing Law and the Equal Credit Opportunity Act.


Your savings federally insured to at least $250,000 and backed by the full faith and credit of the United States Government Agency.
National Credit Union Administration, a U.S. Government Agency.

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Loans: 202-876-2121 • Fax: 202-208-4023 • Member Services: 202-876-2121 (M-F)

Lost/Stolen Debit Card: 800-554-8969 • Lost/Stolen Credit Card: 800-237-6211

Routing Number: 254074662
GSA FCU, P.O. Box 27559, Washington, D.C. 20038-7559

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At GSA FCU, we understand that holiday debt can be overwhelming. Our special loan offer allows you to borrow up to $30,000 at an incredibly COMPETITIVE RATE of just 6.24%.

Click here to apply! Apply today

Plus, we offer you the FLEXIBILITY to skip your first payment for up to two months!