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Loan Rates Savings Rates Fees

Effective as of: July 1, 2023
Schedule of Fees
Account Inquiry Fee$10 per inquiry
Account Reconciliation Fee$30 per hour
Account Research Fee$30 per hour
ATM Balance Inquiry at non-GSA FCU ATM1.00 per inquiry
Audio Response Unit (ARU) Fee$1 per call
Dormant Fee$15 after 12 months of non-activity
Garnishment/Lien/Levy$75 per request
Internet Checking Direct Deposit Fee$10 (minimum $1,500 monthly deposit via direct deposit)
Internet Checking Minimum Balance Fee$10 (minimum $1,500 monthly balance)
Legal ReviewAmount Varies
Lien Satisfaction Letter (Dupicate) $40 Auto
$50 Mortgage
Loan Late Payment Fee$30 per late payment
Loan Documents Preparation Fee$35
Member Assisted Transactions$10 per transaction
Motor Vehicle FeeAmount Varies
NSF Fee$30 per returned item
Official Check Fee$10 each
Outgoing Wire Fees$30 Domestic Wire
$50 Business Account Wire
Outstanding Official Check Fee$50 per month for official checks outstanding after 6 months
Overdraft Advance NSF Fee$30 per courtesy payment
Paper Statement Fee$5.00 per month
Payoff Request Fee$10.00
Payment By Phone$10.00
PC Banking Password Reset Fee$5 per request, assessed monthly
Return Deposit Item$30 per deposit item drawn on account holder’s account
Return Deposit Item$30 per deposit item drawn on non-account holder’s account
Return Mail Fee$10 per item
Shared Branch Fee$8 per transaction
Share Draft Copy Fee$10 per draft
Statement Copy Fee$8 per statement
Stop Payment Fee$30 per item
Subordination Agreement Fee$100.00
Transfer fee$10 per transfer
Visa Check Card Fee$20 replacement card
$50 per rush order
Visa Credit Card Fee$20 per replacement card
$50 per rush order
$5 pin replacement
Withdrawal at non-GSA FCU ATM$2.75 per transaction

We do business in accordance with the Federal Fair Housing Law and the Equal Credit Opportunity Act.


Your savings federally insured to at least $250,000 and backed by the full faith and credit of the United States Government Agency.
National Credit Union Administration, a U.S. Government Agency.

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Loans: 202-876-2121 • Fax: 202-208-4023 • Member Services: 202-876-2121 (M-F)

Lost/Stolen Debit Card: 800-554-8969 • Lost/Stolen Credit Card: 800-237-6211

Routing Number: 254074662
GSA FCU, P.O. Box 27559, Washington, D.C. 20038-7559

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At GSA FCU, we understand that holiday debt can be overwhelming. Our special loan offer allows you to borrow up to $30,000 at an incredibly COMPETITIVE RATE of just 6.24%.

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